Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
La Crosse II
A lot of what I learned today is too secret to end up on the internet (I like blogging but I like my job more ;-) )
Among other things I got into the old part of City Brewing and took some pictures:
It`s going to be very cold here tomorrow - snowing like crazy now already.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
La Crosse
Bin heute nach La Crosse Wisconsin geflogen - ein langer Tag aber es hat alles gut geklappt
Monday, January 5, 2009
Four strong winds
Think I'll go out to Alberta
Weather's good there in the fall
I got some friends that I could go to working for.
Still I wish you'd change your mind
If I ask you one more time
But we've been through this a hundred times or more.
Chorus: Four strong winds that blow lonely
Seven seas that run high
All those things that don't change come what may.
If all the good times are all gone
Then I'm bound for movin' on
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way.
If I get there before the snow flies
And if things are lookin' good
You could meet me if I send you down the fare.
But, by then it would be winter
Not too much for you to do
And those winds sure can blow cold 'way out there.
Chorus: Four strong winds that blow lonely
Seven seas that run high
All those things that don't change come what may.
If all the good times are all gone
Then I'm bound for movin' on
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Valyre / Walkuere

I watched Valkyre tonight and must say that I have mixed feelings about the film. On one hand the story was close to what I know about the assasination attempt by Stauffenberg at Hitler. I had expected more Hollywood soap but Tom Cruise was very convincing as the reluctant hero - probably the best I've seen him. On the other hand all Germans except for Hitler were depicted as either heroes, reluctant followers or victims. We all know that this is not true and that blind fanaticism of the majority of Germans made Hitler and the Nazis what they were. I'm concerned about how the neo nazis in Germany could easily use this movie to glorify the Whermacht and otherwise celebrate the failiure gaianst the SS.
Ich habe mir heute Abend "Walküre" im Kino angesehen. Lauft das schon in deutschen Kinos? Der Film hat mir besser gefallen als ich dachte und Tom Cruise war recht überzeugend als Stauffenberg. Wohl seine beste Rolle bisher. Allerdings wurden alle deutschen als Helden, Mittlaufer oder Opfer dargestellt. Und wir alle wissen dass dies nicht sein kann und dass die Tatsache das die Mehrheit der Deutschen damals Hitler und die Nazis an die Macht gebracht und dort gehalten haben.
Ich fuerchte die deutschen Neonazis koennen den Film leicht dazu gbrauchen die Wehrmacht zu glorifizieren und ansonsten den Fehlschlag des Anschages zu feiern.
Winter in Kanada
An alle denen ich jahrelang erzahlt habe, dass es in Kanada nicht so viel schneit wir alle immer Denken - Ich muss mich entschuldigen. Ich habe in meinem Leben noch nie so viel Schnee gesehen.
Hier ein Video aus meinen Fotos von unserer Schneeschuhwanderung am 26. Dezember.
Hier ein Video aus meinen Fotos von unserer Schneeschuhwanderung am 26. Dezember.
Everbody I told for years that we don't get as much snow in Canda as everybody says I have to apologize and eat my words - I have never seen as much snow as we're getting this year. Here is a slide show of our snow shoe hike on December 26th
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