In my life packed full of work and commitments there are pockets of time that are sometimes overlooked. Today I noticed, that my Saturday mornings are a pocket like that. I usually have them to myself and I enjoy every second. I usually get up at the same time as usual and just see where the morning takes me. Sometimes I clean my place, sometimes I go shopping....
This morning for example I added to my blog, I drank too much coffee, I thought back at the wonderful week behind me. I went to Home Depot to see how those guys there are doing. I went to the Westside where the Mission Hill Social committee is running a slow pitch tournament (unfortunately I got there when they didn't play) I went to the library and got a new book. Lately listening to CBC Radio2 has become a part of my Saturday mornings. Especially the Vinyl Café
is a favourite. Today,
Stuart McLean read an incredible piece that speaks right from my heart. I'm not quite sure how to download the mp3 so you have to click on the picture to go to the podcast.
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